We are a 501(c)3 Nonprofit!
Julie, Anna, Cindy, Lisa, Leighanne, Ricky, Ashley, Ajitha, Samantha & Matt, Ann & Rick, Lauren & Jeremy, Kathryn, and Rachel! You are our rockstars.
Let's make discoveries together! This is where we'll post links to everything you'll want to access.
You are invited into the rehearsal and construction process of our newest devised piece Of Water and Winga. We will present the material on March 20, 2022 in Zoom. Our research and process will include examples of material construction, character development, movement and text. Some of these may continue to develop into the next phase of our creative process and others will live in our memories.
Thank you for being a huge Element of our work.
Register for our latest workshop. You already support us as an Element so please don't feel like you need to make additional donations when you sign up!
We'd like to offer all of our subscribers from August through December free tickets to our upcoming season. You heard us right, you'll get to watch all three shows (a $45 value) for no additional charge. It's the least we can do since you stick with us like glue. ✌️
Let your friends know that you're one of our Elements with this new frame! To apply it to your profile picture simply add a frame! Search "mentalhaus devised theatre" (like the one to the left) or "mentalhaus devised theatre 2" (white text with a translucent, black background) to find it in no time. It's all EleMentalhaus my dear.